What Is IoT and What Role Does It Play In Our Lives?

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The internet of things, or IoT, refers to the growing network of physical devices that are interconnected and can share data. These objects can be anything from fitness trackers to cars to industrial machines. These may be equipped with sensors and other technology that allows them to collect and exchange data.

10 billion

In 2021, it has been recorded that there are over 10 billion active IoT devices in use worldwide.

75 billion

This number is only expected to grow and is projected to reach 75 billion by 2025.

If your organization adopted a remote work setup to keep up with the demands of the new normal, then you need to invest in proper network security now more than ever. With distributed workforces, your organization becomes more vulnerable to cyberattacks. As cybercriminals become more creative with their methods, it pays to have a reliable network security solution in place.

With the right network security solution, you can defend your organization against these attacks and keep your data safe. Data privacy regulations are challenging for any organization, with CyberMetis you will have professionals in your corner. This way, you can rest assured that your organization meets all standards now and in the future. Get in touch with CyberMetis today to discuss a reliable network security solution that aligns with your goals.

Thus, securing the internet of things (IoT) has become a top priority for many organizations, including, possibly, yours. CyberMetis is a professional services firm specializing in all thing’s cybersecurity. We provide IoT security services to help organizations secure their data and devices. With the latest tools commanded by industry experts, we can provide customized and affordable solutions that fit the unique needs of each organization. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you, please fill out our free IoT security assessment form!

Cybersecurity Questionnaire

If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you, please fill out our free IoT security assessment form!

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Common Attacks That Target IoT Devices

There are many different types of attacks that can target IoT devices. Some of the most common include:


This is where hackers monitor and intercept communications between devices. This can give them access to sensitive data, such as passwords or financial information.

Privilege Escalation Attack

This type of attack occurs when a hacker gains access to a device with high privileges, such as a router or server. From here, they can then exploit other devices on the network.

Brute Force Attack

There are tons of organizations that use IoT devices but surprisingly only 50% are using proper security measures. As a result, these devices are often left vulnerable to brute force attacks. This is where hackers use automated tools to guess passwords or other login credentials until they gain access to the device.

Firmware Hijacking

Links that redirect to malicious websites, phishing emails, and other social engineering techniques are often used to deploy malware onto IoT devices. This malware can then be used to take control of the device or steal sensitive data.

What Is IoT Penetration Testing and Why Is It Important?

IoT penetration testing is a type of security assessment that is conducted on IoT devices and systems. The purpose of this assessment is to exploit vulnerabilities in order to gain access to sensitive data or systems. It is important to note that IoT penetration testing does not only address the device or software itself but the entire ecosystem in which it operates. This includes the people, processes, and policies that surround the device.

Here are some reasons why IoT penetration testing is important:

It helps to find the weaknesses in an organization’s security posture before attackers do. By conducting these tests, organizations can find and fix vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

It assesses the security of an organization’s entire IoT ecosystem. By taking a holistic approach, organizations can get a better understanding of their vulnerabilities and where they need to focus their efforts.

It provides actionable insights that can help organizations improve their security posture. After an IoT penetration test is conducted, organizations will receive a report that details the findings of the assessment. This report will include recommendations on how to fix the identified vulnerabilities.

How CyberMetis Penetration Testing Services Can Help for IoT security

Organizations should not leave their IoT devices and systems unsecured. CyberMetis offers IoT penetration testing services that can help organizations identify and fix vulnerabilities in their IoT devices and systems. We conduct these tests using a variety of techniques, such as network service, web application, wireless, social engineering, and physical penetration testing. With comprehensive IoT penetration testing services from CyberMetis, organizations can be confident that their IoT devices and systems are secure.

We have a proven track record of helping hundreds of organizations throughout the United States improve their security posture. We have a team of IoT experts that are certified in a variety of cybersecurity disciplines using the latest tools and technologies. With such capabilities, we are confident that we can help your organization have the best shot of achieving IoT success.

Schedule a Free IoT Penetration Testing Consultation Today

With our services, we provide a free IoT security assessment. During this, our IoT experts will analyze your organization’s IoT devices and systems. Then, we will identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations on how to fix them. This way, you can be confident that your IoT devices and systems are secure. To schedule a free assessment, simply fill out the form provided and one of our IoT experts will be in touch with you!

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Are you experiencing a security incident or have you been breached? Call us now.