Penetration Testing

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As the digital population grows and more businesses prosper online, hackers are more adamant about tearing down cybersecurity walls and stealing large amounts of customer data. Cybersecurity attacks are real threats faced by almost every business globally. With the growing risk of data breaches, companies should do their part in protecting their business and customers’ information.

Penetration testing helps business owners find weak points in their data security early on, allowing them to act promptly and fortify their cybersecurity measures. At Cyber Metis, we help entrepreneurs, enterprises, and IT experts protect their data from hacker attacks.

Schedule your free assessment and take your cybersecurity to greater heights.
Schedule your free assessment and take your cybersecurity to greater heights.

What is penetration testing?

Penetration Testing or

Penetration Testing or

pen testing ethical hacking white hat hacking

simulates real-world attacks to find loopholes and vulnerabilities in a company’s cybersecurity system.


The beauty of penetration testing is that businesses can get an outsider’s perspective on their cybersecurity posture. A white hat hacker will usually think like a black hat hacker, making it easier to interpret their attacks and establish security measures to counter their attempts.


Penetration testing is an effective assessment tool, but the efficiency of this test also depends on the quality of the test itself. A poorly executed test or an inexperienced tester will only provide false security to a business, which is more dangerous than no testing at all. Speaking with a reputable cybersecurity expert ensures you get the most out of your penetration test.

Although penetration testing and vulnerability scanning sound similar to most people, they are pretty different from each other.

Penetration Testing

Vulnerability Scanning

Although penetration testing and vulnerability scanning sound similar to most people, they are pretty different from each other.

Penetration Testing​

Penetration testing is done manually by ethical hackers or white hat hackers. They use their expertise and tools to try and exploit vulnerabilities within a system. Penetration testing is more about trying to break into a system rather than just identifying risks.

Vulnerability Scanning​

Vulnerability scanning is an automated process that uses software to identify potential security risks or vulnerabilities within a system. It is mainly used as a preventive measure before any malicious activity happens.


Depends on what are you looking for?

Both security measures are vital for the safety of businesses, but penetration testing is a more comprehensive assessment since it provides an in-depth analysis of the system’s weak points.

Different Types of Penetration Testing

Depending on the goals and objectives of the business, there are different types of penetration tests that cybersecurity experts can perform.

The type of penetration test you must use depends on your cybersecurity goals. All these types could benefit your business in some way, so discussing your options with a reputable expert is best.

Black box testing

In black box testing, the tester has no prior knowledge of the system under test. This type of testing is often used to identify high-risk areas of the network that need further evaluation.

Gray box testing

The tester has partial knowledge of the system being tested in gray box testing. This type of test is usually conducted by people with insider knowledge, such as employees or in-house developers.

White box testing

In white box testing, the tester has complete knowledge of the system. This type of test is conducted by people with full access to the system’s source code, application, and cybersecurity infrastructure.

Why Penetration Testing Is the Best Defense ​

Penetration testing provides a more realistic perspective of what you can expect in a real-world attack. It helps businesses not only find and fix vulnerabilities but also understand how hackers think and operate. By understanding the methods and techniques used by malicious hackers, companies can develop better defenses against future attacks.

The success of your test will depend on the quality of the team you hire. Choosing an honest and reliable team of security experts is crucial when conducting penetration testing. A reputable security firm will have a team of certified ethical hackers who will not maliciously utilize or manipulate critical business and customer data.

7 Steps Involved in Penetration Testing

Penetration testing processes vary among security firms. You must discuss and agree on the scope, methods, and rules of engagement before the test begins. Listed below is the general structure of how most penetration testing occurs:

1 Cybersecurity system assessment
The first step is to identify which systems need to be tested and the objectives of the test. This helps define the scope of the test and what needs to be accomplished.
2 Initial surveying or reconnaissance
In this phase, the testers gather as much information about the internal system and network as possible.
3 Identification of what’s working
The next step is to identify which security controls your company uses and which of them are effective. The team will also look at your breach history to see if there are any patterns or trends.
4 Initial attack
In this phase, the team will try to “attack” your system for the first time to find any vulnerabilities.
5 Continued discovery
As more vulnerabilities are revealed, the team will continue “attacking” your system to see how far they can get.
6 Outcome Reporting
After the team has gathered all the information, they will present their findings in a report and recommendations on how you can improve your cybersecurity measures.
7 Action plan creation
After evaluating the penetration testing report, you and your team will create an action plan to address the vulnerabilities. This plan will include short-term and long-term measures that need to be taken to improve your system’s security.
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Protect Your Data Before It’s Too Late

Now is not the time to wait and see if your system can withstand a real-life cyber attack — it’s time to take action and protect your business and customers.

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, and it’s crucial to keep up with the latest trends and threats. Penetration testing is the best way to discover vulnerabilities hidden in your cybersecurity system. We have experience helping customers from a variety of industries.

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